
Triflemancy – An Introduction to Whimsical Magic

Once upon a time, the world was a magic place. Slowly, due to a wide variety of historical and social influences, the magic that used to be available to ordinary human beings dissipated and became inaccessible. The good news is it did not entirely disappear. The bad news is few people realize they can still find and access this source of wonder and enchantment.

If you are willing to suspend some of your ideas about how reality is constructed, you have the opportunity of experiencing and using this magic. Welcome to Triflemancy, the long lost art of using whimsy to achieve magical results.

[Dr. Dudding is currently working on the full text of Triflemancy. Different chapters will become available below as drafts become completed and editing. ]

Chapter One: “Introduction to Triflemancy“: Basic Philosophy and Theory

Chapter Two: “Looking Within to See Beyond“: Fortune Telling for Amateurs.

Chapter Three: “Wishes and Dishes“: Simple Manifestation Techniques

Chapter Four: “Talking to the Moon“: Finding Comfort and Conversation in a Very Big Universe

Chapter Five: “The First National Bank of Karma and Mana“: Building Your Psychic Reserves and Charging Your Transcendental Batteries.

Chapter Six: “The Roots of Altruism“: Using Plants and Food to Connect to Nature and Sympathetic Humans

Chapter Seven: “Love Like a Rock“: Crystals, Stones, Glass, and Bones in Whimsical Practice

Chapter Eight: “Swimming Upstream in the Streams of Fate”: Changing Your Luck and Fine Tuning Your Attitude”

Chapter Nine: “One Breath at a Time“: Enhancing Your Health with Tonics, Baums, and Bubblegum

Chapter Ten: “Somehow You Know“: Opening the Shutters of Your Intuition

Chapter Eleven: “Looking Up While Writing It Down” : Using Your Pencil as a Wand.

Chapter Twelve: “Taking the Grim out of Grimoire” : Building Your Practice and Practicing your Build

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